A few words

About us

T.M. Plants comes from the experience of the founders.

The aim of our Company is offering a quality service while paying utmost attention to our customers’ needs as well as plant choice.  Our services are dedicated to Professionals, garden architects, nurseries and designers.

The founding partners driven by initiative and passion were able to achieve their dreams in a few months.  We are now a valuable Company for all Professionals in the green.

Since it was founded T.M. Plants have been growing constantly. We are now a leading Company dealing with outdoor ornamental plants for wholesalers.

Did you know that T.M. Plants’ logo has a moon inside? The day when the partners met to bring their dream to life a beautiful full moon was shining in the sky.

Our team

Our small but highly skilled horticultural team is strongly committed to fulfill our customers’ needs. We do not only offer current plant varieties. We are dedicated to sourcing the right plant type for each single landscape plan.

Letizia Cintelli

Owner and commercial manager

Antonio Cascione

Owner, quality controll & Growing area management

Matjaz Sinigoj

Sales Management

Daniele Falvella

Sales Management

Marco Camicia

Quality controll

Fabrizio Giusti

Quality controll

Antonio Curello

Yard manager

Simona Silicato

Administrative and accounting area

Letizia Rossetti

Administrative area