Cookie Policy

In compliance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data, the Provision of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data “Guidelines on cookies and other tracking tools” of June 10, 2021 (published in the Official Gazette No. 163 of July 9, 2021) as well as the provisions of other relevant provisions on the subject, T.M. PLANTS S.r.l. with registered office in Via Umberto Mariotti n°190 51100 Pistoia (PT), Data Controller, (hereinafter also “Data Controller”) informs you about the type of cookies and other tracking tools used by this website and the purposes pursued with the information acquired through them, also providing the indications to proceed to the selection/de-selection of individual cookies.

T.M. Plants S.r.l. as Data Controller protects your personal data by ensuring confidentiality and compliance with applicable regulations and guaranteeing the necessary level of protection from any occurrence that may put them at risk of violation.

The purpose of this Cookie Policy (hereinafter also “Policy”) is to describe how cookies used by this site are managed.


A “cookie” is a text file created by a website on a user’s computer when the user accesses the same site, for the purpose of storing and transporting information.

Cookies are sent by a web server to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and stored on the user’s computer; they are, then, re-sent to the website at the time of subsequent visits.

Many of the operations that are normally performed on a website could not be accomplished without the help of cookies, which, in such cases, are therefore technically necessary. This type of cookie is called technical or functionality cookies. Such cookies are used, for example, for electronic identification, session tracking and storing information about users’ activities in accessing a website. In accessing this website, the user also receives cookies from sites or web servers that are third parties to the website visited, so-called “third-party cookies.”

In other cases, the website uses cookies to facilitate and facilitate navigation by the user or to enable the user to take advantage of specifically requested services.

There are various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions. Such cookies may remain on your computer or mobile device, for different periods of time:

  • session cookies” are automatically deleted the moment you close your browser;
  • persistent cookies” remain or may remain on Your device until their predetermined “expiration” time.

Cookies can, therefore, remain in the system even for considerable periods of time and can also contain a unique identification code. This circumstance allows the sites that use them, to keep track of your browsing within the site, either for statistical or advertising purposes, or to create a personalized profile of you from the pages you have visited and show you and/or send you targeted advertisements (so-called Behavioural Advertising or behavioural advertising).

Under current data protection regulations, your consent is not always required for the use of cookies.

Technical cookies“, for example, i.e., cookies that are essential for the operation of this website or necessary to perform the activities you have requested, may be used without your consent.

Profiling cookies“, on the other hand, i.e., cookies used to create user profiles, and to send messages in line with the preferences expressed by users when browsing the Internet, require your express consent.

This Website uses the following types of cookies:

  • technical cookies: include both session cookies and browsing cookies, which are strictly necessary for the operation’ of the Website and/or allow you to use the Website’s content and services;
  • functionality cookies, which are used to enable certain features of the website and to configure it according to your choices (for example, the language you select) in order to improve your browsing experience.

This website also makes use of third-party cookies: these cookies, which are sent from websites/web servers other than this website, are used for the specific purposes of the third-party owners of the websites/web servers (including profiling purposes). Examples are cookies issued by social networks through so-called, social buttons that allow you to interact with social networks such as Facebook or Twitter (see the “social buttons” section of this document).

Such third parties are considered Autonomous Data Controllers with respect to their own cookies; T.M. Plants S.r.l. cannot control or verify the third parties’ use of such cookies, nor ascertain the specific characteristics or purposes of such cookies.  For any information on how your data is processed by these third parties, you may refer to the relevant notices and privacy policies or other material published by these third parties.


The Data Controller reports in the charts below the specific categories of cookies on the site and their purpose:

CookieConsentFunctionalStores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domainCookieBot1 year
pll_languageFunctionalThis cookie is used to determine the preferred language of the visitor and sets the language accordingly on the website, if possible.TM Plants1 year


rc::b, rc::cFunctionalThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.GoogleSession
rc::aFunctionalThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.GooglePersistent
_grecaptchaFunctionalThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.GooglePersistent
_GRECAPTCHAFunctionalThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.Google179 days

Social buttons

On this website there are buttons, called “social widgets/buttons” that depict the icons of some social networks.

These widgets allow users of the site, who are browsing this website to access the relevant social networks with a “click”. In this case, the social network and web services acquire data about the user, while T.M. Plants will not share any browsing information or personal data of the user, acquired through its website, with the social networks and web services accessible through these tools.

These buttons are disabled by default, meaning that they do not send data to the respective social networks without your consent.

To activate the buttons, simply select them. After activation, a direct connection to the server of the respective social network is established. The content associated with the button is then transmitted directly from the social networks to your browser and linked by it to the web page.

To know the purpose and extent of the collection and processing/use of personal data carried out by social networks and third party sites, on which T.M. Plants has no part, you can access the information and privacy policies made available on the portals of the social networks.

Below are links to the privacy policies of the social networks to which the buttons on this site refer:

– for Facebook and Instagram:


The legal basis underlying the processing of personal data referred to in this document is:

with respect to technical cookies:

art. 6 par.1 lett. b) GDPR the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at your request;


Pursuant to EU Reg. 2016/679 You have the right to:

  • obtain confirmation of the processing carried out by the Data Controller on your personal data;
  • access your personal data and know its origin (when your personal data is not obtained directly from you), the purposes of the processing, the data of the entities to whom it is communicated (recipients), the period of data retention or in the absence thereof the criteria useful to determine it;
  • obtain the rectification of personal data concerning you;
  • obtain the deletion of the personal data concerning You from the databases of the Data Controller if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if the processing is unlawful and in the other cases referred to in Article 17 GDPR;
  • limit the processing of personal data about you, for example, where its accuracy is disputed, for the period necessary for the Controller to verify its accuracy, and in all other cases referred to in Article 18 GDPR;
  • obtain the personal data concerning you, in electronic format also in order to be able to communicate them to another Data Controller (portability).

You may assert your rights by contacting the Data Controller by written communication at .

The Controller must do so without delay and, in any case, no later than one month after receipt of your request. The deadline may be extended by two months, in which case the Controller shall always inform you within thirty days of the reasons why the extension is necessary.


You have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

In the event that you reside in a different EU member state or the violation of the legislation protecting your personal data takes place in another EU country than the one where the Data Controller is based, you must lodge a complaint with the Authority in charge of monitoring compliance with the personal data protection legislation of that country. The lodging of the complaint is without prejudice to the possibility of bringing any other legal action