Policy on personal data processing of Contact form

The Company, T.M. PLANTS S.r.l. with registered office in Via Umberto Mariotti n°190 51100 Pistoia (PT), as the Data Controller, (hereinafter also „Data Controller“), protects the personal data of the Data Subjects by ensuring confidentiality and compliance with the regulations in force and guaranteeing the necessary level of protection from any occurrence that may put them at risk of violation.

As required by Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR), T.M. Plants S.r.l. Informs you that your personal data, collected through the website, are subject to processing through computer and/or telematic tools, for the purposes indicated below in this statement.

Type of personal data subject to processing

In particular, the following personal data concerning you provided by you through the „contact us“ form may be processed:

common personal identification data:

– email

– other information (contained in the message you sent);

– other data related to your actions (see point no. 2(b)).

Purpose and legal basis for processing

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

(a) management of your request to receive information;

Therefore, your personal data will be processed for sending information regarding offers, special promotions, events, as well as for sending commercial or promotional communications.

T.M. Plants S.r.l., to improve the results of communications, has implemented and uses systems for sending promotional/commercial communications in the form of newsletters, equipped with reporting mechanisms. Due to the use of such tools, the Data Controller may know, for example:

The legal basis underlying the processing and the purpose referred to in (a) of this point is:

– Art. 6 par. 1 lett. b) GDPR „the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is party or for pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the Data Subject“.

Methods of processing

The processing of your personal data will be carried out mainly with the aid of computer tools by persons within the structure of the Data Controller duly authorized for this purpose and trained in the manner and with the appropriate means to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

The Data Controller carries out periodic audits, so that no personal data are collected, filed or stored that are not necessary in relation to the processing operations and their purposes as listed in point no. 2 of this policy.

In carrying out the aforementioned activities, T.M. Plants S.r.l. undertakes to:

            a) ensure the accuracy and updating of personal data processed, and promptly receive any corrections and/or additions requested by you;

            b) notify you, within the timeframe and in the cases provided for by the regulations in force, of any violations of personal data;

            c) ensure the compliance of processing operations with the applicable provisions of the law.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data processed for the purposes set forth in point no. 2 of this information notice may be communicated:

– to internal subjects of the Data Controller’s structure duly authorized for the parts of processing under their respective competence;

– to external parties such as:

– information and IT support companies;

– providers of IT infrastructure and solutions;

– companies that provide marketing services;

– web service providers.

The communication concerns the categories of personal data whose transmission to the above-mentioned third parties is necessary for the performance of the activities and for the purposes referred to in this statement and, in any case, in dependence of the pre-contractual relationship established with you.

For the processing in question, your consent is not necessary as the same is done for the execution of pre-contractual measures dependent on your request.

Under no circumstances may your personal data be subject to dissemination operations.

Extra EU/SS transfer

The Controller does not carry out any transfer of your personal data abroad (the term „abroad“ is to be understood as all countries not belonging to the European Economic Area).

Retention period / Data retention

In relation to the purpose referred to in point no. 2 letter a), the personal data concerning you will be processed and stored by the Data Controller for the time necessary for the fulfillment of information requests and sending of communications carried out as a result of your request and in any case for a period not exceeding in maximum 30 days.

Longer retention terms may be applied in the presence of specific legal obligations or in the event that requests are made to the Controller by public authorities or for additional needs to protect your rights or the rights of the Controller.

When the above-mentioned terms are reached, the Data Controller will delete the data concerning you.

Rights of the data subject

Pursuant to EU Reg. n°2016/679 You have the right to:

– obtain confirmation of the processing carried out by the Data Controller on the personal data concerning you;

– access your personal data and know their origin (when your personal data are not obtained directly from you but are collected from third parties), the purposes of the processing, the data of the persons to whom they are communicated (recipients), the period of storage of personal data or in the absence of which the criteria useful to determine it;

– obtain the rectification of your personal data;

– obtain the deletion of your personal data from the Data Controller’s databases if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if the processing is unlawful and in the other cases referred to in Article 17 GDPR;

– limit the processing of personal data about you, for example where its accuracy is disputed, for the period necessary for the Controller to verify its accuracy, and in all other cases referred to in Article 18 GDPR;

– obtain the personal data concerning you, in electronic format also in order to be able to communicate them to another Data Controller (portability).

You may assert your rights by contacting the Data Controller by written communication at: info@tmplants.com

The Controller will do so without delay and, at the latest, within one month of receipt of the request. The deadline may be extended by two months, in which case the Controller will always inform you within thirty days about the reasons that make the extension necessary.


You have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

In the event that you reside in a different EU member state or the violation of the legislation protecting personal data takes place in another EU country than the one where T.M. Plants S.r.l. has its headquarters, you must lodge a complaint with the Authority in charge of monitoring compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data in that country.

The submission of the complaint is without prejudice to the possibility of bringing any other legal action.

Provision of data and consequences

The provision of personal data concerning you is not compulsory, but it is, however, necessary for the purposes set out in point no. 2 of this notice for the fulfillment of the request you submitted through the form(s). Refusal to provide such data makes it impossible for the Controller to fulfill your requests.